Would you all like to meet my new lover? Well, let me tell you a little about him, he's smooth, dependable and always on time. Are curious? Would like to know his name? His name is none other than Frigidaire, when he moved in he brought two of his best friends, their names are; Fridge and DW, Fridge is every so cool and DW is a little under the weather right now but I'm sure when his new part gets here he will be just as lovely as his friends.
Enough with the Sex in the City innuendos and on to the real stuff, I love my new appliances!!! The stove is amazing and the fridge, oh the fridge. The dishwasher was a special purchase, it was originally $548, Lowe's had marked it down to $300 with all warranties in tack to move it because a valve was bad, I jumped on the chance to have the DW I wanted at the price I could afford, but the bad news is I have to wait another week for the part to arrive and be installed. Let me tell you a little something about myself, I HATE TO HAND WASH DISHES!!! But I know when the new DW is up and running I will appreciate how easy cleaning the kitchen will be. I was so happy when the delivery truck pulled away with my old stove in the back of it, I tipped the drivers, waved goodbye and I haven't looked back.

I hope that everyone is having a great week and thank you to all the bloggers who have stopped by, I enjoy reading the comments and get so excited when I see someone has visited.
Take Care,
So pretty! I hate doing dishs to, my almost 4 year old D/W is already shot and I really really want to replace it.
Enjoy your new appliances!
Wow, that is a beautiful stove! I'm so glad you got a good deal on the dishwasher, too!
Congratulations!! I love new appliances!! They are so pretty, too.
Congrats on your new boyfriend(s)!
I love your new appliances. When we replaced ours 5 years ago, we got white. Now I wish I had stainless. It looks great in your kitchen.
Found you by way of Kimba. I remember when I replaced all of my appliances with the SS it was great. Your window treatments are beautiful. Great job on both. Stop by and visit sometime. Jackie
Enjoy your new stove..what a beauty! It is amazing how a new stove can change the entire feel for the kitchen! Bon Appetit!
-Sandy Toes
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