Being a stay-at-home wife & mother is more than a full-time job, it's a 24/7 job and sometimes I need a break! The last time that I did something totally for myself was in 2006, I went to a scrapbooking retreat for a weekend, I had a wonderful time, I missed my husband & sons but I came back with my batteries charged.
I feel guilty as I'm writing this because both of the boys are home sick again today, Tom is hard at work and I'm sitting here typing while the dishes are piled in the sink, dirty laundry covers the floor, the beds aren't made, I don't have a clue what to fix for dinner and Weight Watchers & Krispy Kreme had a fight today, Krispy Kreme won by TKO! All of these things need to be done and all I can think of is a weekend off! I'm out numbered 3 to 1 by boys, I have been my whole life, I have 3 brothers (no sisters), I have 2 sons (no daughters) and for the time being I don't even have a close girlfriend to grab a quick lunch with. I need a break!!
I read a lot of blogs written by mothers of sons, I think that we all should get together in a central location and have a fabulous, frilly, pink filled weekend of all things girly!! If anyone is interested please let me know I would be more than happy to arrange a weekend getaway!
Ok-Here is a plan I am hoping to do with girlfriends the first weekend of June:
Head to Chicago by train (for something different!), and spend the weekend doing girl things. Including going to see the Sex and the City 2 movie!!
Dinner, shopping, and other girly things!
Wanna join us?
The more, the merrier-
I'm in! LOL
And Michelle, you can always come to Lexington and we'll have a girl's day and we'll go to Hobby Lobby, eat at Panera, shop at Macy's...the works! Call me anytime and we'll do it!
Michelle, Thanks for visiting my blog. I did the same thing for a breal, Scrapbooking retreat. I love it, that's the only time I really get away. To be a good mom and wife you have to have a break!
A note about my post today:
I got the shelf and bench from the JC Penny's catalogue!! I am in LOVE with it...now that I put it together....
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