Saturday, February 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Johnson

My oldest son turned 10, yes 10, on Thursday I can't believe that he is a decade old. He had the best day, his got to miss school, eat at Rafferty's, order from the adult menu (this was one of his favorite things) spend money and open fabulous presents (thanks to Grandma, she made the day once again!) Johnson is one of the happiest children that I've ever met in my life, he lives life to the fullest and can't wait to grow up and leave home. His big statement for the day was, "Now that I'm ten I only have to 25 years to run for president" he is so smart and loves to follow politics and hopes to a lawyer someday. I'm so thankful for Johnson, I couldn't imagine a day without his fabulous smile. I love you Johnson and I love being your mommy!!


Girly Stuff said...

That does sound like a good day! I want to be ten!

Marva said...

What fun! Happy Birthday Johnson!


Davene said...

Wow, this is a busy birthday season for you! :)

Happy birthday to Johnson! Someday when he's president, I'll be able to say I knew his mom through blogging. Can I get his autograph please? ;)

Kathy said...

Happy Birthday, Johnson! I am so happy Jonathan and I were able to share the day--and lunch and the cookie cake (yum!)--with you!

momma said...

love the president comment :)