Friday, January 8, 2010

New Years Goals

I'm not a huge New Years Resolution fan but a blog that I read everyday, Kelly's Korner, is hosting a link party about New Years Resolutions and I thought I would join in on the fun.

The only goals that I really want to accomplish this year are:

Cook more, eat out less.

Cook only one meal at dinner, you can read about that here. Mother's of young children please take my advice don't start making your toddler something different for dinner you'll never be able to stop!!

I want to learn to knit. I have already starting working on this goal and I have taught myself to cast on, yeah me, lol!!!

I come from a long line of quilters and I would love to make a quilt for each of my sons using their receiving blankets.
I think these are obtainable goals, if I will stick with it I hope to have two quilts, a boat load of scarfs and socks, and children who finally eat what I cook for dinner not just macaroni & cheese and chicken nuggets!
Good luck with all your goals and Happy New Year!!!!!!


Angie Acapella said...

it's so hard isn't it? I'm trying with my little one to get her to eat what we eat, but it's hard when they spit out every bite and you want them to at least SOMETHING.But my mother never let us have a bunch of other food, we ate what she cooked (come to think of it, she always made my brother what he wanted, and still does...he's 25 and still lives at home).

Great job learning to cast on! Keep practicing.

Cody Sharene said...

Those are great goals! Knitting looks hard to me, lol! I should stop eating out too, for sure. Do you like coding? I hope I do!

Katie @ Miss Klohn's Classroom said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Those are all such wonderful goals! I cannot believe the number of times that my mom would cook different meals for my sister and I. I would love to learn how to quilt! Your quilt idea sounds like something my mom did for me... she made me a blanket out of all of my high school volleyball t-shirts and I love it! Happy 2010 to you and your family!

Jen said...

I think those are all definitely admirable goals! I took a knitting class & have books & books on how to fix mistakes - if only I could find the time to knit :)