Do you ever feel as if you have given up on all your hopes and dreams?
Lately that's all I can think about, don't get me wrong I love my husband and children with all my heart but sometimes I feel like there's nothing left at the end of a day for me. I have only had about 3 hours alone since May 28th and I think I going to lose my mind!!! The things that I want are not even in the realm of possibilities at this time, nor would they be what is best for our family but the selfishness in me wants what I want and I want it now!! I feel like all I do is give up or settle for the things that matter to me most.
I feel guilty for even complaining there are so many people in this world who have it far worse than me and I know that my life is very blessed, I guess I'm just having a bad week! Feeling defeated can really take a toll on a person.