I recently had my cut short and I love it!! But, the gray was taking over, I tried to color it myself and got one side a different shade than the other, don't ask because I don't know how I did it, LOL! Then I had my surgery and couldn't lean over the tub to add more color, so today I had my hair professionally colored and highlighted!! I'm amazed that I agreed to let my hairdresser do the highlights because I've always been afraid of them with my dark brown hair, I really like what she did and so does my hubby. Do you have your hair colored at a salon or do you color it yourself?
Looks great! I have a sylist and keep me hair highlighted. I just had it done last week.
Glad to hear you are feeleing better! Blessings!!!
I have done it myself, and turned out purple, and bright red.
Then I still had to go to a salon to fix it...I just skip my part now-much easier, less stressful...
Your hair looks lovely!!!
Love it, Mimi!
I swear you look familiar. What year did you graduate from Belfry Michelle?
And the cut and color is very pretty. I haven't been to the salon in about a year...I need it bad!!!
It looks fabulous!
I only let professionals touch my hair after that one time my husband and I colored it.
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