Around the first of October I always start making a list of what to get everyone. I usually start by checking out my gift shelf to see what I can find on it, then I make a list of everyone I need to buy for (which is around thirty people) and start searching for the perfect gift. This year will be a little easier because I have decided to give all my teenage nieces & nephew money or a gift card. I keep a copy of my list in my purse & in a folder, as I find a gift I write down the price, who it's for and put the receipt in the folder, this helps to track my spending and to keep my budget intact.
I can't wait to read every one's ideas and lists.
Have a good evening!
Going to be fun, isn't it? Enjoyed hopping over.
Come by when you get a chance.
Michelle--my method is very similar to yours. Gift cards make life way easier and you KNOW they are appreciated!
Thanks for joining in the fun!
Gift cards and cash are great gifts, especially since boxing day sales are so big here in Canada (much like the Black Friday sales in the US). I like to buy a couple of extra book store gift cards just in case I forget someone (shudder). If I don't need them at Christmas I can always use them for birthdays or to treat myself!
Gift Cards! Love the gift cards! Giving and receiving....
Gift cards are definately the easiest for the teens...although, last year, I bought each of my 15 teen neices and nephews Bibles that I wrote a little note in them for the kids.
I do it on an excel spreadsheet...potatoe, potahtoe.
Another book????
Do tell!!! That sounds great to me! Email me- My email is on my profile page...
Ah, yes the shopping! I have simplified shopping for my six grandkids by give them cash. I didn't start that till they were older teens, but they like it and I like it!
Enjoy out TWOC and I'll see you there next week! Lovely blog.....
Jayne at mysongwithin
Wow! 30 people is a big list. It is for sure a good idea to start on that now, lol.
I'm here with TWOC:
I wish I was as organized. This year I am going to have to be very creative in the gift giving dept. Either that, or no one is getting anything. Maybe I'll suggest we all give each other the gift of some sort of service.
your neices and nephews will thank you - nothing better to teens than cash :D
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